Hey, gang!!! I just got a new supply of hardcover and paperback copies of my new novel Jessica Rabbit: XERIOUS Business.
Buy a copy directly from me now, and you'll get my autograph, a personalization if you want one, a neat drawing of Jessica done by the book's cover artist Andy Prisney, and a zillion simoleons!!! All this for $20 paperback, $40 hardcover, plus $10 shipping. Such a deal!!!
Email me at gkw@garywolf.com for details.
Thursday, June 30, 2022
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
My latest 5 star review on Amazon for Jessica Rabbit: XERIOUS Business!!!
5.0 out of 5 stars
A Wickedly Funny Page-Turner
Reviewed in the United States on June 26, 2022
Ever wonder how Jessica Rabbit became the sultry icon we know and love today? And how she fell for Roger? And where the heck did Toontown come from anyway? It's all here in XERIOUS BUSINESS, a wildly inventive, clever, laugh-out-loud, action-filled page-turner that will keep you up all night. The engaging story is about how mousey Jessica Krupnik became secret agent Jessica, who later, when paired with her partner Robbe, battles to keep criminal mastermind The Klown and his minions from poisoning everyone and taking over the world. This is one of Gary K. Wolf's best books, and it will be a delight to both new readers and hardcore fans alike. So grab a glass of chilled carrot juice and get ready for a wild, Looney ride!
To get your copy, go here!!!
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
How The Book Jacket Came To Be
I had been trying unsuccessfully to get a good image for the cover of my new Jessica Rabbit novel, Jessica Rabbit: XERIOUS Business. I didn't want to use an existing image. The Jessica of the novel is not, at least at the beginning, the Jessica which everybody knows.
I need something that could convey the idea of Jessica without showing the current Jessica. I couldn't find an artist who could give me what I was looking for.
Then, from out of the blue, I got an unsolicited drawing from a fan. A wonderfully modernistic rendition of Jessica. This was obviously Jessica and yet totally different from the classic image.
The fan, Andy Prisney, sent me the image and asked if I would be interested in posting it on my Facebook page. I told him I would do better than that. I would put it on the cover of my Jessica Rabbit novel. Making Andy a very happy fan!!!
Which goes to show you struggling artists out there. Keep plugging. You never know where you'll find your success!!!
Monday, June 20, 2022
How Jessica got her look!
Even though I wrote the novel Who Censored Roger Rabbit? which introduced Jessica Rabbit, I'm a writer, not an artist. I saw Jessica only in my imagination. I had never seen her for real, never drawn her. Because that's a skill I don't have. Luckily, Oscar-winning animator Richard Williams had that skill in abundance. He sat down with me and together we drew the Jessica which had previously existed only in my mind. Dick exaggerated her proportions - the teeny tiny waist, large chest, larger bottom - so that other animators would know that she hadn't been rotoscoped. That's a perfectly acceptable animation technique in which animators film a live action person and then draw over the photo. That could not happen here. There's no real person with Jessica's impossible proportions. Nobody we could possibly have filmed in live action and traced over. Dick did a magnificent job bringing my wishful thought to life. Jessica, as I saw her and as Dick drew her, is now regarded as one of the premiere sex symbols of all time.
Saturday, June 18, 2022
Hey, Toontownians. Welcome to my new blog, Rabbit Tales!!! Over the next couple of weeks I'm going to be talking about a lot of Roger and Jessica Rabbit stuff.
As you all know, I created the character of Jessica Rabbit, widely regarded as one of the foremost sex symbols of all time. I based her on some real women that I fantasized about in my youth: Rita Hayworth, Betty Grable, Lauren Bacall, and Veronica Lake, the woman with the peek-a-boo hair style. Those were my real-world inspirations. My fantasy inspiration was Tex Avery's Red Hot Riding Hood. If you don't know who or what Red Hot is, check out one of her cartoons on You Tube. You'll see Jessica's Grandmother strutting her stuff.
Tomorrow, we'll talk about how Jessica came to look like she does.
In the meantime, if you want to read Jessica's origins story, and find out where Toons come from, check out my novel, Jessica Rabbit: XERIOUS Business, on Amazon.com.
Never give up!!! My first book contract was with Doubleday. Four science fiction books, any subject I wanted. I wrote and published...

Never give up!!! My first book contract was with Doubleday. Four science fiction books, any subject I wanted. I wrote and published...
My latest podcast in which I explain how I came to write Jessica Rabbit: XERIOUS Business. Give a listen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v...
Hey, gang!!! I just got a new supply of hardcover and paperback copies of my new novel Jessica Rabbit: XERIOUS Business. Buy a copy direct...